Friday, November 16, 2007

Thing #15 - On Library 2.0 & Web 2.0

Thank goodness this was a quick "thing"! The articles were short so I could skim them quickly. "Into a new world Of Librarianship" hit some key points for me. Making our libraries user-centered, not impeding our customers, and being trendspotters are important points for me as a library user. I have been a library customer many more years than I have been a library employee. One of SPL's newer policies has impeded my use of the library and has forced me to go elsewhere for many of my books. (I wonder how this is affecting our circ stats!) Other staff have said they too are using our library less for the same reason. I am referring to having to wait a week to place holds on new materials. This has forced me to either take the time to manage a waiting list of things I want to read (takes too much time), buy my books (getting expensive), or use other libraries (more driving, uses more gas, takes up my time). This takes me away from my library and on to the internet to purchase or download what I want. As for being a trendspotter, I think SPL has done fairly well. We aren't exactly cutting edge, but with our budget constrains I think we do a pretty good job. I think it is important that we do our best to keep up with the latest and greatest or our usage will continue to drop.

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