Friday, November 30, 2007

Thing #17 - Playing with a wiki

I came , I saw, I played, I left. Thanks for the memories...

Thing #16 - So What's in a Wiki?

Oh my gosh! I am a week behind. I almost threw in the towel on this, but I hate to be a quitter. Especially since I think this is such a great activity. I took a quick look at some of the examples listed in the discovery exercise. I have to admit I didn't spend much time looking at them. The wiki I am most familiar with is the Wikipedia. Even though you can't bank on the information being totally accurate, I find it helpful to me in a number of situations. I was delighted that some of our staff got together and created a wiki to report on their experiences at INCOL. What a great idea! I am looking forward to seeing how SPL uses a wiki to manage SPLASH.