Friday, October 12, 2007

Thing #7: Blog About Technology

I am an avid fan of technology. When I think of the new gadgets we have now compared to just 3-5 years ago I am amazed. It just blows my mind to be able to do wireless downloads of just about anything and at such high speeds. I am totally turning into one of "those" people that wants that new book on CD, music CD, DVD, or television show right now! Automobiles can now do the most amazing things. They can even parallel park themselves. We can exchange information and ideas at an astonishing pace. The list goes on and on. To be able to be in a time and place that allows us to take advantage of the marvels of technology is truly a blessing. However, this is true for me only when the technology works. I like my technology best when it is simple. The last two years I have really made an effort to keep current in the field of technology by reading books and magazines on the subject as well as subscribing to a number of technology related Podcasts.

Thing #6: More Flickr Fun

Oh my gosh! I had so much fun exploring some of the things you can do with photos and Flickr. I mainly spent my time checking out I could easily spend some serious money ordering some very customized Christmas gifts. The trading cards are cute, but heck you can even order jewelry, magazine covers, bobble heads, banners, calendars, etc. (Okay, so I am easily entertained!) It makes me just want to get out my camera and start shooting photographs. With all of the beautiful Fall colors out there even I am bound to get a decent picture or two. I feel some creative juices beginning to flow...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

7718 - A19 Flyover

7718 - A19 Flyover, originally uploaded by M R Fletcher.

This weeks assignment was a bit of a challenge for me. I have been really busy and finding the time to do this exercise was difficult. Anyway, I picked this beautiful picture to blog about. I really admire people who have the skills to take night photos. I know nothing about photography and would be lost trying to figure out how to do it. However, this exercise and this picture have sparked an interest in me to maybe try to get some shots of particularly interesting Chrismas scenes this winter. What have I got to lose? Maybe some kind person will even give me some tips!