Monday, December 10, 2007

Thing #23 - the end or the beginning?

My favorite discovery by far was Pandora. I will use it everyday. Flickr is another discovery that I will most likely use a lot.
I think this was a wonderful "1.0" edition of learning about new technology. I hope we will do this again. I think we can improve this experience by not trying to cram so much into each week. How about only doing one thing per week next time? It may be too slow for some, but I feel we need to go much slower in order to have the maximum staff participation through to the end of the program. I would also encourage one of the first steps of the next learning experience being to create an identity online that would only be used for the library exercises so we wouldn't be "putting ourselves out there" on the web as much as we had to for this program. If I had known where this was going, I would have made up an identity with a Yahoo email address so I could remain anonymous.
If you offered another discovery program like this in the future, I would most likely participate. However, it would be important to me to remain anonymous to staff with the exception of the people administering the program. I would also suggest a less busy time of the year for the program. Thank you to all who worked so hard to make this discovery process a reality.
Now I am done! I have completed all 23 things.

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